Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open by Isaac Lidsky

Fear is a pretty powerful feeling, and it makes us think of all kinds of terrifying things and stick with what's familiar. However, when new, difficult obstacles get in our way, we need to "adjust" to the new rules and to think outside the box, so to speak. Isaac, the author of this wonderful book, had it rough back when he was a kid: at the age of 13, he began to go blind.

When he grew up into a 25-year-old man, he lost his sight completely. At first, he thought that his disease automatically meant he could never achieve his goals and hope for a bigger, brighter, happier future. But, strangely enough, it was the blindness that gave Isaac the necessary strength to take life into his own hands and to go for it. That's when he began to thrive, against all odds and his own fears.

He managed to graduate from Harvard when he was just 19 years old. Next, he served as a law clerk, had 4 kids with his beautiful wife and even took care of a declining construction subcontractor and transformed it into a highly successful enterprise. So, with his own example, this brave man shows us that our true vision is only limited by our own insecurity, emotions, and bad experiences in the past. 

But we can put a stop to all of our nightmares, say "No" to our fears and turn ourselves into successful human beings. Nothing's impossible, as long as you believe in yourself and in the fact that God is always there for you, guiding your every single move. Open your heart and mind to new possibilities! Eyes Wide Open is an essential book for every struggling person out there. Lidsky came through with an intimate, poignant, hard-won life story that's an inspiration to us all.

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