The Secret Adversary

Agatha Christie

ISBN: 1495950816

Release: 01/1922

The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie

Tommy and Prudence are two poor young lovers who are deeply in love with each other. In After the Great War, there is almost no job, and the couple is desperate. That's why the couple boldly devise a business plan. In this job they will work for a very mysterious gentleman, Mr. Whittingtont. On this first mission, Tuppence goes to Paris and lives like an American by taking the name Jane Finn. While doing this task, they experience various problems. He will be worried for his life, threatened and asked to remain silent.


Well, where the real Jane F.? Even the pronouncement of this name causes tremendous problems in London and gets reaction. How interesting is that this mysterious woman has to be found and she has been missing for 5 years. The woman's body and important documents on her are missing. And there is another very interesting point. Britain needs to recover after the war, and the country's destiny depends on finding this woman. Two young people working for the British ministry have important information on the subject. What will these two young people do now? They got a troubled job. It's bad enough to end their lives immediately.

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