Twenty-six and One and Other Stories

Maksim Gorky

ISBN: 9780904679083

Release: 01/1899

Twenty-six and One and Other Stories by Maksim Gorky

"Twenty-six Men and a Girl" is a pioneering story of social realism, and is a story of lost ideals. Twenty-six men labor in a cellar, making kringles in an effective prison. They are looked down upon by all around them, including the bun bakers. Their only seeming solace is the sixteen-year-old Tanya who visits them every morning for kringles they give her. A new baker, a soldier, joins the bun bakers. Unlike all others they know, he befriends them, boasting of his virility with women. He ultimately seduces Tanya. Upon learning about this, the bakers surround Tanya and yell abuse at her. After regaining her composure, she rebukes them. Afterwards, Tanya never stops by at the bakery for morning biscuits again.

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