
Wonder is the feeling of the philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder

Theologico-Political Treatise Part II

Baruch Spinoza

In the treatise, Spinoza put forth his most systematic critique of Judaism, and all organized religion in general. Spinoza argued that theology and philosophy must be kept separate, particularly in the reading of scripture. Whereas the goal of theolo...

Theologico-Political Treatise Part I

Baruch Spinoza

In the treatise, Spinoza put forth his most systematic critique of Judaism, and all organized religion in general. Spinoza argued that theology and philosophy must be kept separate, particularly in the reading of scripture. Whereas the goal of theolo...

On the Improvement of the Understanding

Baruch Spinoza

Spinoza commenced this treatise with the intention of examining the problem of knowledge, but the work was never completed. In his other works epistemological discussions are intimately linked with the rest of his philosophy. Indeed, even in the Trea...


Jean Jacques Rousseau

In Book I, Rousseau discusses not only his fundamental philosophy but also begins to outline how one would have to raise a child to conform with that philosophy. He begins with the early physical and emotional development of the infant and the child....

The People of the Abyss

Jack London

Jack London takes a decision: In 1902, he goes to the east side of London, the capital of Great Britain, known as the Land of Never Set, and there, disguised as an ordinary poor person, he examines the conditions of the time.  The novel deals wi...

Letters on England


Voltaire first addresses religion in Letters 1–7. He specifically talks about Quakers (1–4), Anglicans (5), Presbyterians (6), and Socinians (7). In the Letters 1-4, Voltaire describes the Quakers, their customs, their beliefs, and their...

Pictures of the Socialistic Future

Eugen Richter

This book is a striking revelation, as new today as when it was first deciphered in 1893. It is a novel of life under communism by Eugene Richter, a German liberal of the nineteenth century. Prophetic isn't exactly the word for this book. Richter saw...

History of American Socialisms

John Humphrey Noyes

The history of the socialist movement in the United States spans a variety of tendencies, including anarchists, communists, democratic socialists, Marxists, Marxist–Leninists, social democrats, Trotskyists and utopian socialists. It began with...

Evolution and Adaptation

Thomas Hunt Morgan

Morgan was interested in evolution throughout his life. He wrote his thesis on the phylogeny of sea spiders (pycnogonids) and wrote four books about evolution. In Evolution and Adaptation (1903), he argued the anti-Darwinist position that selection c...

Communism and Christianism

William Montgomery Brown

Christian communism is a theological view that the teachings of Jesus Christ compel Christians to support religious communism as the ideal social system. Although there is no universal agreement on the exact dates when communistic ideas and practices...