Philosophy and Religion

Hastings Rashdall

ISBN: 9386874520

Release: 01/1909

Philosophy and Religion by Hastings Rashdall

This work has been chosen as culturally significant by historians, and is part of the knowledge base of society as we know it. From the original artifact, this experiment was copied and remains as accurate as possible to the original experiment. You can therefore see the initial references to copyright, library stamps (since much of these books have been preserved in our most important collections around the world), and other notes in the work. In the United States of America, and probably other countries, this work is in the public domain. You may freely reproduce and share this work within the United States, since no person (individual or corporate) has rights over the body of the work. This work can include lost or obscured sections, bad photographs, errant markings, etc., as a replication of a historical item. Scholars think, and we accept, that this work is valuable enough for the public to be maintained, replicated, and generally made available.

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