The Truth About Cancer

Ty M. Bollinger

ISBN: 9781401952235

Release: 10/2016

The Truth About Cancer by Ty M. Bollinger

It might come as a shock to you, but 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women these days will have to fight cancer at some point in their lives. Yes, we think that it's not really that dangerous and that only a small number of people get touched by it; however, WHO (World Health Organization) claims that we all need to worry about cancer. And Mr. Ty M Bollinger, the author of this wonderful book, knows it first-hand.

It took this horrible decease 10 years to take away as much as 7 family members from this man, and so, he dedicated his whole life to learning more and more about the available cancer treatments and the industry that surrounds it. So, The Truth about Cancer is a vital book for all those folks who want to know what Bollinger uncovered during his research (and some of it is pretty disturbing) and to learn about new ways of fighting and/or coping with the disease.

The thing is - there are more than enough treatments that we can all use to treat/prevent cancer that have nothing to do with surgery, chemotherapy or any other internationally-approved methods. We, the regular folks, simply don't know anything about them, but that doesn't mean they're not effective. The Truth about Cancer takes the readers back, to the very beginning of medicine, while introducing them to the cutting-edge, forward-thinking research that deals with non-traditional ways of treating the disease.

The book comes with a list of facts and myths about cancer, as well as all the available methods and tools, both for diagnosing and treating. The Truth about Cancer is a brilliant book that gives cancer patients a complete picture of the treatments that are available right now. And, it gives them hope, and that's probably the most important thing when fighting this brutal disease.


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